Protecting Personal Information
Activ8 is committed to respecting the privacy of our users. Users will be asked to provide personal information that enables them to utilize services on a Activ8 web site. We use the information for the purpose of operating and improving the Activ8 Web site, and the registered information will be made available only to the companies which you apply to through the online application system.
Our website and facility have been built to ensure that your personal data is protected. Extraordinary measures have been taken to ensure the security of our user’s data such as the use of Secure Sockets Layer(SSL) protocol and the electronic authentication on our servers issued by inmotion.
Personal information may be disclosed under the conditions stated below.
User gives consent to disclose his or her personal information.
When Activ8 requires specific information to be disclosed in order to fully execute the provision of services desired by its users
When Activ8 is required by a legal obligation.
When a user’s asset such as life, health or property is at risk.
It is determined that the disclosure of information will protect public assets, or when it is required by the order of law enforcement agency Activ8 may analyze the information, whether personal, demographic, collective or technical, for purposes of improving our service and enforcing our terms and conditions. In such a case, this data will be processed in such a way that no one individual can be identied.
When it is found that the disclosure does not harm user’s interests, and when it is desired by Activ8 or trusted partners.
Activ8は、ユーザーのプライバシーを尊重することをお約束します。ユーザーは、Activ8 Webサイトでサービスを利用できるようにする個人情報の提供を求められます。当社は、Activ8 Webサイトの運営と改善を目的として情報を使用します。登録情報は、オンラインアプリケーションシステムを介して申請する企業のみが利用できるようになります。
当社のウェブサイトと施設は、あなたの個人データが確実に保護されるように構築されています。 Secure Sockets Layer(SSL)プロトコルの使用や、inmotionによって発行されたサーバーでの電子認証など、ユーザーのデータのセキュリティを確保するための特別な措置が講じられています。