Agreement and Your Responsibilities:
1. Before sending your application in to, it is your responsibility to ensure correctness of all information submitted in the application on in the “Review” for your records.
2. You are required to provide a valid email address and to check to be sure that you receive an email confirming that your application was sent to This email is sent immediately upon receipt of your application by You should receive this confirmation email within one day after clicking on the “Send” button.
3. If you do not receive the confirmation email, it is your responsibility to contact the If you fail to do so, your application may not be considered for the opening for which you have applied.
4. Cookies must be turned on in your browser in order to use this online application system.
Note: Your application is submitted using Secure Encryption to ensure the privacy of all information you transmit over the internet. The online employment application system is not responsible or in any way liable for any computer hardware or software, malfunction which may affect your employment application or the applicant selection process.By accepting the Terms of Use Agreement set forth here, you agree to all of the above terms and you agree to use this online employment search system only for the submission of employment applications to Any other use of this online employment search system, including without limitation any copying, downloading, translation, decompiling or reverse engineering of the system, data, or related software, shall be a violation of this Terms of Use Agreement.
2.有効なメールアドレスを入力し、アプリケーションがactiv8usjp.comに送信されたことを確認するメールを受信したことを確認する必要があります。この電子メールは、activ8usjp.comによる申請の受領後すぐに送信されます。 [送信]ボタンをクリックしてから1日以内にこの確認メールを受信する必要があります。